Problems with captions not showing

11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7897 von wd5mush
Problems with captions not showing wurde erstellt von wd5mush
I am not having any luck setting up captions for my images using the caption.txt file.

I have created the file using Windows Notepad as shown in the documentation using the | character as a delimiter. - Filename.jpg|title|description;
The file has been saved to the same sub-folder of the Joomla images folder that contains the images in my display.
I am only using the parameters set in the Content - Simple Image Gallery Extended module, not in the {gallery}folder{/gallery} expression;
Under Settings>Gallery I have Show Captions set to Yes.
Under Settings>JS View I have Show Image Information set to Yes and Information from text file (info) set to Yes.

I have tried re-naming the text file caption-en-GB.txt and the encoding for the text file to UTF-8 rather than ANSI.

I see the images OK but all I see in the way of a caption is the name of the file displayed under the image and shown as a tooltip. My images are such that I must have captions, so please help me fix this if I am to continue using this extension.

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11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7899 von Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7902 von wd5mush
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11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7905 von wd5mush
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11 Jahre 8 Monate her - 11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7906 von Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7908 von wd5mush
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10 Jahre 6 Monate her #9052 von swinglish
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10 Jahre 6 Monate her #9053 von Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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10 Jahre 6 Monate her #9054 von swinglish
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10 Jahre 6 Monate her #9055 von Viktor
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