Joomla! 3.1.4 - An error has occurred. 500 Layout default not found

10 Jahre 9 Monate her - 10 Jahre 9 Monate her #8915 von Viktor
After an update to the Joomla! version 3.1.4, you will receive the following error message when you call EBR's main view in the backend:

An error has occurred.

500 Layout default not found

The reason is an unneeded and poor change in the legacy class. The camel case notation in the view class for the template layout name is not supported anymore. IMHO a stupid change and this should (and will) be changed again in the next version 3.1.5!

To use Easybook Reloaded in the Joomla! version 3.1.4, you have to change the class name of the default view:

Open: administrator/components/com_easybookreloaded/views/easybookreloaded/view.html.php

class EasybookReloadedViewEasybookReloaded extends JViewLegacy

class EasybookReloadedViewEasybookreloaded extends JViewLegacy

Hint: If you don't see the change - small r in the name after View.

You also have to change the class in the view for the frontend: components/com_easybookreloaded/views/easybookreloaded/view.html.php

Have success with EBR!

Further information:

This solution is likely to be implemented in the next core release:

Use this hotfix to solve the problem in Joomla! 3.1.4:

Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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