Guestbook form not submitting

11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7936 von as5680
Guestbook form not submitting wurde erstellt von as5680
I have installed the component on my site and when testing it, it appeared to be working OK. Now the website is fully online, I notice that the guestbook form is frequently not submitting entries.

Sometimes (very occasionally) it will submit correctly but usually it will redirect back to the form and the URL has '?retry=true' added on to the end. This happens the same regardless of whether any spam controls are activated.

Any advice on how to prevent this and make sure the form submits correctly every time would be greatly appreciated.
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11 Jahre 8 Monate her #7940 von Viktor
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11 Jahre 7 Monate her #7985 von as5680
as5680 antwortete auf Guestbook form not submitting
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