Error message after submitting

11 Jahre 9 Monate her - 11 Jahre 9 Monate her #7711 von Ed
Error message after submitting wurde erstellt von Ed

After upgrading to the latest EBR 2.5-3 on my Joomla 1.7.0 site every time a message is submitted i get this error:

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in ..../html/libraries/joomla/application/router.php on line 212 Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in ..../html/libraries/joomla/application/router.php on line 125 Fatal error: Class 'JFactory' not found in ..../html/libraries/joomla/session/storage/database.php on line 85

De message is saved and shown on the frontend after a refresh on the EBR page. I get an email that there is a new message and i can manage it in the backend.

I tried an uninstall en went back to the previous version of EBR but that doesn't help much, so i'm back to the latest version again.

Can anyone help ?

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11 Jahre 9 Monate her #7717 von Viktor
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