Spamcheck errors

12 Jahre 9 Monate her #3041 von probizz
Spamcheck errors wurde erstellt von probizz
We are having problems with spam check. We get this error after we fill the checking: Please validate your inputs! Error: Spam protection has not been solved. The spam protection is a arithmetic problem and a time lock

Sometimes it goes ok, but mostly we get this error.

I tried to deactivate the plugin, but I still have the Spam check on EBR form. Any help with this problem?


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12 Jahre 9 Monate her #3043 von Viktor
Viktor antwortete auf Aw: Spamcheck errors
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12 Jahre 9 Monate her #3045 von probizz
probizz antwortete auf Re: Aw: Spamcheck errors
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12 Jahre 9 Monate her - 12 Jahre 9 Monate her #3046 von Viktor
Viktor antwortete auf Aw: Re: Aw: Spamcheck errors
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions

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