Captcha not appearing on VirtueMart with {easycalccheckplus} (SOLVED)

1 Monat 1 Woche her #15731 von GJCGJC

Just bought the ECC+ - EasyCalcCheck Plus Pro on a J5/VM4.2 new build.
Using the short code {easycalccheckplus} isn't working on the ask a question form.

The plugin is working on e.g. the contact form

on the ask a question just the text of the short code is displayed .. this form is normally an iframe but the direct url also just shows the shortcode

Am I missing something here?

********* UPDATE ***************
Yes-- the setting "Custom call" in the settings

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But as no tooltips work in the J5 admin perhaps this should be written on the page?
Needed to search the plugin code to find this...

Thanks for an excellent plugin

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1 Monat 1 Woche her - 1 Monat 1 Woche her #15734 von Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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1 Monat 1 Woche her #15737 von GJCGJC
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1 Monat 4 Tage her #15738 von Viktor
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